When you order a yurt, we give you measurements, templates and the process to build the platform. The platform has to be the precise size of the yurt. Platforms can be on-ground or elevated.

The choice of flooring is the customer’s. Options include tiles, wooden flooring, polished concrete.

The yurt’s wall is a lattice pulled into a perfect circle. The rods(khana rods) are made of structural grade wood from Canadian Wood. The hardware is galvanized steel. The lattice, made of many individual rods held together at intersections by galvanized steel sleeves and bolts, makes for a stable tough structure.

The tension cable runs around the top of the wall and retains the wall at the right circumference. It holds the structure in, while the roof pushes it out. The tension band’s force pushes the rafters securely into the roof ring. For the tension band, we use a galvanised aircraft cable with a PVC sleeve.

Both the wall and roof have 3 layers covering it. The exterior layer is weather-proof, dimensionally stable, architectural fabric manufactured by Serge Ferrari of France. The inner layer is PVC-coated, fire-retardant polyester fabric. In between the two, is the insulation layer, 8mm reflective Thermal Wrap. The outer fabric we use has 40 colour options and hence your yurt can have 1600 colour combinations.

The roof is made of rafters from Canadian Wood. The weight of the roof pushes against the tension cable and the wall, holding the structure in place.

On top is the most important part of the yurt, the wooden tono ring. It acts as a keystone, holding the rafters up. Our tono rings are again manufactured from Canadian Wood. Resting atop that is an openable dome which works as a manual thermostat.(On order, we also offer remote-controlled domes.)